A lot of people don’t know this, but lawyers can be pretty cool. Many of them have very interesting stories to tell. They’ve seen and done a lot in their careers and have plenty of wisdom to share with the world. So what’s stopping them from doing so? The answer is that many attorneys are not using the marketing tools at their disposal to share these stories in an effective way that gets customers interested in their services—and keeps them coming back for more. Here are some law firm marketing tips on how you can start using these tools yourself:
Blogging is a great way to establish your expertise and build rapport with your clients. Your blog should feel like an extension of your firm’s website, but it can also serve as a standalone platform for attracting new business. If you want to start blogging, there are two main things you need: a topic and an idea for how to get traffic.
Once you’ve got those squared away, create a plan on how to drive traffic back to your website from this content – whether through social media or by linking directly within each post itself; all of this will go into building up credibility in search engines as well–and hopefully turn into potential clients.
Social media
Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and share your expertise. Posting content on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will give you a chance to show off your expertise in the legal field. Share relevant content that gives people an idea of who you are as an attorney. You can also use social media to promote blog posts or speaking engagements related to your practice area by highlighting them in the “About” section of each profile page.
Speaking engagements
Speaking engagements are a great way to build your brand. You can speak at conferences, seminars, and other events. You can do it for free or for a fee (or both). Your speaking topics should be relevant to your practice area or something you are passionate about.
Your name must be out there in front of the right people who will hire lawyers like you in their firm, so they see that you are an authority on the subject matter.
Podcasting is a great way to get your law firm’s name out there, and it’s easy to do. You can use any podcasting platform you like, but Libsyn and Blubrry are popular choices among lawyers. Your first step is to create a podcast that is relevant to your practice area and will be interesting for potential clients who want to learn more about what you do.
When creating a podcast, make sure your podcast has good sound quality: That means no echo or background noise when someone talks, as well as no distracting music or jingles in between segments unless these elements are part of the show. You also need to make sure the content itself is good. If people download your episodes only to find themselves bored by an hour-long ramble about how hot lava is, they probably won’t want to listen again next week—or ever again.
You’ve probably heard this before: the best way to increase your brand awareness is by creating content. But while it may seem like a lot of work, with these tips you can make sure that your law firm is seen as a leader in the industry.